Hollywood Reporter

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.01.17

* Checks and balances, how do they work? President Donald Trump seems to be looking for anyone and anything to blame for his first 100 days in office being bungled, and he's finally settled on the rule system that controls the Senate, calling it a "very rough system," an "archaic system" that's "really a bad thing for the country." [The Guardian] * In other news, according to Reince Priebus, President Trump's chief of staff, something that the White House has looked into is changing libel laws to make it easier to sue news organizations, but "[h]ow it gets executed or whether that goes anywhere is a different story." Wow. [CNN] * One things for sure -- there's no Supreme Court retirement watch here: Described as "exuberant," Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently exclaimed that she "love[s] her job," and that Justice Elena Kagan must be absolutely thrilled about Neil Gorsuch's confirmation, since that means she'll no longer have to suffer through the incredibly boring tasks typically given to the high court's junior justice. [National Law Journal] * "The logic of the decision is hard to accept. You're OK'ing a system that perpetuates the inequity in compensation for women." In a disheartening opinion, the Ninth Circuit said employers may legally pay women less than their male counterparts for the same work based exclusively on differences in their prior salaries, even though those differences were recently ruled discriminatory under the Equal Pay Act by a lower court. [CBS News] * A second suspect has been arrested in the fatal April 10 shooting of Cook County Associate Judge Raymond Myles. Earl Wilson, 45, a man who is "no stranger to the criminal justice system," was charged with first-degree murder. Per prosecutors, this was a robbery gone wrong, and Myles was not supposed to be killed. Myles is the first Chicago-area judge to be fatally shot in more than three decades. [Chicago Tribune] * Late last week, the Hollywood Reporter released its annual ranking of the best attorneys who serve the nation's most glamorous celebrities -- the Hollywood 100 -- which is always celebrated like "lawyer Christmas in Hollywood for a day." How many Biglaw attorneys made the list in the tenth edition of the rankings, and how well represented are each of their firms? We'll have more on this later. [Big Law Business]


Non-Sequiturs: 07.17.12

* I’m not sure why Romney won’t just say that he lied to the SEC about when he left Bain. Lying to the SEC is just good business. Lying to the American people is something that politicians are only supposed to do for sex. [Wonkblog / Washington Post] * Character and fitness can be a surprisingly tough hurdle, so I’ve been told. [The Toronto Star] * Here are the top law faculties by scholarship. I’d bet this list and the list for top law faculties by salary are pretty similar. [Brian Leiter's Law School Reports] * Ed Hayes gets another profile, a dandy profile this time. [The Dandy Portraits] * This is a highlight reel of terrible lawyer ads. [Strategist via Findlaw] * Man with the largest penis gets frisked by TSA. When asked to comment, Sam said, “This is how we keep motherf***in snakes off the motherf***in planes.” [Hufffington Post] * Congratulations to the general counsel of Viacom. [Hollywood Reporter]